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Title: An APPLE a Day Keeps the Lawsuits at Bay
Presenters: Anne Marie "Nancy" Wheeler, JD and John P. Duggan, EdD
Description: Act now to update your HIPAA Privacy Policies and Procedures and thrive in an electronic world. Professional liability insurance...does your policy cover what you need? Prepare for sudden counseling practice closure due to death, illness, or disability. Liability pitfalls you can avoid in dealing with custody issues, subpoenas, reporting duties, boundary extensions, and civil/criminal fraud. Emergency procedures: What is in YOUR informed consent document?
Title: Coming Out to Clients: An Ethical Decision-Making Model
Presenters: Ben Hearn, MA and Kelli Hess, MA
Description: Counselors who identify as LGBTQ+ often struggle with whether to disclose this identity to their clients. We will explore some of those struggles and review literature that addresses how disclosure may be performed ethically, as well as how disclosure of LGBTQ+ identity may serve to advocate for the LGBTQ+ population by role modeling and normalization. We will present an ethical decision-making model specifically for LGBTQ+ identity disclosure and apply the model to case vignettes through a group discussion.
Title: Counselor Risk Management: Counselors and Technology A Two-Edged Sword
Description: Technology is designed to make many aspects of running a practice easier and smoother, however, all technology comes with a risk. In this webinar, attorney Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler discusses a variety of risks to using technology in your practice and ways to keep your practice safe.
Title: Counselor Risk Management: What you Didn’t Learn in Grad School That Could Lead to a Lawsuit or Licensure Board Complaint
Description: This webinar will provide counselors with tips on handling dilemmas they may not have learned or encountered in their graduate school ethics courses or practicum. It will provide real-life tips on avoiding malpractice and licensure board complaints. Topics will include: use of a decision-making model; HIPAA/HITECH breach notification; custody concerns; ADA requirements; fraud; hiring counselors as independent contractors vs. employees; practice closure; and consultation/documentation.
Title: Counselors' Mandated Responsibility to Report Child Maltreatment: A Review of U.S. Laws
Authors: Maureen C. Kenny, PhD; Roberto L. Abreu, PhD; and Claire Helpingstine, MS
Description: Although counselors in 44 states are mandatory reporters of child maltreatment, they may lack an understanding of their legally designated role. This article presents the results of a systematic review of child maltreatment reporting laws in all 50 states and the District of Columbia. The authors apply relevant legislation to real-life contexts for counselors.
Title: Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethics Board Review
Presenters: Ann M. Ordway, PhD; Ruth Ouzts Moore, PhD; and Donna S. Sheperis, PhD
Description: Part 1: Building an ethical foundation is essential. Through ethics, counselors examine personal values and how they impact professional decisions. In this session, three counselor educators (who are also an attorney, an expert witness, and a former chair of the ACA Ethics Committee) will explore decision making for potential dilemmas that arise in clinical practice and in cases with court involvement, as well as how to address malpractice and ethical violations issues that arise despite best efforts.
Part 2: Part 2 continues to build upon the counselor's knowledge of the court system by outlining what to expect during the courtroom proceedings. Counselors will learn terminology commonly used in court as well as suggestions on do’s and don’ts when testifying. Part two also explores ethical review processes and ethical implications of counselor competency and expertise.
Part 3: The role of the counselor during legal proceedings is not always clear. During this session, the varying roles one may have as a professional counselor will be discussed, as well as specific do’s and don’ts for different types of roles. A discussion of maintaining clients’ privacy and ethical professional boundaries is included. Suggestions for maintaining appropriate documentation will be offered. This presentation provides practical guidance on managing the often-stressful courtroom environment and how counselors can adhere to ethical obligations and maintain their professional reputability.
Title: Demystifying Ethics and Law for Telebehavioral Health
Presenters: LoriAnn Stretch, PhD and Tiffany Rush-Wilson, PhD
Description: Part 1: This webinar will provide counselors with basic information to help them understand what telebehavioral health is. It will provide an overview of ethical & legal guidelines related to telebehavioral health and distance supervision. Topics will include: defining telebehavioral health; legal implications of providing distance supervision; understanding the difference between ethics versus law; order of authority in law and ethics; HIPAA compliance; identifiers of protected health information; HIPAA breaches; and business associate agreements.
Part 2: This webinar will review resources to help you locate your state laws and regulations on telehealth as well look at specific challenges to practicing telehealth and distance supervision. Topics will include: resources on telemedicine/telehealth laws; current ethical standards related to telebehavioral health and distance supervision; client screening; informed consent; confidentiality; verification; disclosures for telebehavioral health; separating personal and professional accounts; distance supervision relationships; supervision records; research; and best practices.
Part 3: This webinar will provide counselors with additional standards to help them practice telebehavioral health in an ethical manner. It will also provide resources on the use of technology in telehealth. Topics will include: additional ethical standards related to telebehavioral health; use of technology in telehealth; resources to help you locate insurance companies who reimburse; residency laws for practicing telehealth across state laws; liability for practicing across state lines; social media policies; encryption; intervention and reference applications.
Part 4: This webinar will provide counselors with various ethical decision-making models for telebehavioral health and distance supervision. It will also provide several resources to help you plan out your next steps in becoming an ethical telebehavioral health counselor. Topics will include: professionalism; ethical decision-making models; supervision responsibilities; case studies; next step planning; resources to help you plan your next steps in telebehavioral health; personal development plans; board certified-telemental health providers; and changing the technology you're using for telebehavioral health.
Title: COVID-19 and Telebehavioral Health: Ethical Considerations During a Public Health Emergency
Author: John P. Duggan, EdD
Description: In the face of a global pandemic, professional counselors are no longer limited to in-person, face-to-face interactions. The context of providing counseling services has changed abruptly, and now, telebehavioral health services (known as “distance counseling” in the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics) and technology have become central to the work of all practitioners. Many counselors-in-training, supervisors, and practitioners who are not yet competent in the delivery of this service have rushed to become knowledgeable about telebehavioral health and the use of technology resources in routine, daily practice. Counselors offering telebehavioral health services for the first time need to engage in training as quickly as possible. The American Counseling Association organized multiple training resources to help with this urgent need. This course provides a general overview of ethical issues.
Title: Crisis Intervention Ethics Casebook