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Title: The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics Says What? Competence and Referrals in Counseling
Presenter: Lynn E. Linde, EdD
Description: The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics outlines the ethical responsibilities of its members and provides guidance to counselors in fulfilling their professional responsibilities. The ethics code is revised every seven to 10 years to reflect changes in society; changes in the way we, as professional counselors, view our relationships with our clients; and our evolving view of competent practice. As the counseling profession matures, actions that the American Counseling Association takes help crystalize who we are as a profession. Ethics, foundational moral principles and professional values are central to who we are, what we believe and how we should carry out our responsibilities to others. Each iteration of the ACA Code of Ethics, beginning with the 1961 code, has attempted to highlight that. ACA’s ethics codes have always put clients first. The 2014 ACA Code of Ethics built upon previous codes to further clarify the expectations for ethical behavior by counselors. The current code makes it clear that counseling is about the client, not the counselor.
Title: The Counselor and the Law: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Practice, Eighth Edition
Title: The Counselor as Expert Witness or Witness of Fact
Presenters: Anne Marie "Nancy" Wheeler, JD and John P. Duggan, EdD
Description: Medical and mental health professionals are increasingly being called into court to testify. The ethical conflict these situations create can be difficult to navigate while also in a treatment relationship. In this webinar, participants will learn how to work with their attorneys to navigate these difficult situations ethically, and legally.