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Suicide Assessment

Suicide Assessment
John Sommers-Flannagan, PhD and Rita Sommers-Flannagan, PhD
Because suicide is a painful and provocative topic, advanced assessment skills are essential (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2021). For many reasons, as Sommers-Flanagan and Sommers-Flanagan explained, professionals sometimes engage poorly with clients who are suicidal. This Continuing Professional Development presents the 11 components of a comprehensive suicide assessment process. More specifically, counselors will learn to: (1) know and monitor for the individualized presence or absence of suicide risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs while developing a therapeutic relationship, (2) apply therapeutic assessment to explore suicidal ideation, strengths, suicide plans, and previous attempts, and (3) understand how to engage in collaborative problem-solving and safety planning for assessment, treatment, and decision-making purposes.
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
September 01, 2023
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Suicide Assessment: A Strengths-Based Approach

Title: Suicide Assessment: A Strengths-Based Approach

Presenters: John Sommers-Flannagan, PhD; Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD; and Eddy Fagundo, PhD

Description: Engaging in suicide assessment with clients who are suicidal can feel daunting to counselors, and clients can feel threatened by the process (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2021). Suicide Assessment: A Strengths-Based Approach (Sommers-Flanagan, 2022) presents a suicide assessment process and strategies that deepen the validity of the suicide assessment and supports empathy and relationship building. This Continuing Professional Development combines the recorded video with Dr. John Sommers-Flanagan and Chapter 3 (Suicide Assessment) of his book, Suicide Assessment and Treatment Planning: A Strengths-Based Approach (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2021), and provides counselors with a rationale to: 1. Understand suicide assessment as therapeutic assessment, 2. Know skills and attitudes to be competent in the suicide assessment process, 3. Recognize suicide risk factors, protective factors, and warning signs, 4. Know how to ask about suicide ideation, suicide plans, previous attempts, 5. Describe strategy for responding to irritability, hostility, and hopelessness, 6. Explain collaborative problem-solving and safety planning for assessment, treatment, and decision-making,

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
November 01, 2022
Text and Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Suicide Attempt Disclosures: Helping Survivors Navigate

Title: Suicide Attempt Disclosures: Helping Survivors Navigate Who, When, and How to Tell Their Stories

Authors: Lindsay Sheehan, PhD; Nathalie Oexle; Silvia A. Armas; Hoi Ting Wan; Michael Bushman; LaToya Glover; Aamir Laique; and Stanley Lewy

Description: The context of disclosing suicidality: An exploration with attempt survivors (Sheehan et al., 2021) provides examples of suicide disclosure and examines how survivors can share about their attempt with risk reduction. Disclosure about suicide has multiple risks including fatal or nonfatal future suicide attempts, stigma-related concerns, and negative impacts on mental health. Strengthening self-reflection, interpersonal relationships, and post-traumatic growth are potential benefits of positive suicide disclosure experiences. While negative experiences can be re-traumatizing for survivors and potentially triggering for others thus increasing suicidal ideation or behavior for vulnerable confidants. The authors of this article describe their findings on three main themes: whom to tell, when to tell and how to tell. This article identifies strategies for counselors on how to best support suicide attempt survivors in navigating self-disclosure.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
April 01, 2022
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Suicide Competence and Ethics

Title: Suicide Competence and Ethics

Authors: John Sommers-Flannagan, PhD; Rita Sommers-Flanagan, PhD

Description: Suicide Competence and Ethics (Sommers-Flanagan & Sommers-Flanagan, 2021) presents a simplified 10-core suicide assessment and treatment planning competencies, ethical considerations specific to suicidality, and postsuicide measures for professional counselors. This Continuing Professional Development resource provides counselors with a rationale to understand suicide competence, recognize and discuss suicide-related ethical issues, and describe postsuicide measures to help professional counselors cope with the loss of a client.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
September 01, 2022
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Suicide Risk Factors Among Older Adults

Title: Suicide Risk Factors Among Older Adults: Implications for Counselors as Medicare Providers

Presenter: Mary Chase Mize PhD, LPC, ACS

Description: Based on the counseling dissertation by Dr. Mary Chase Mize, this study, grounded in the interpersonal theory of suicide, sought to understand the relationship between proximal (thwarted belongingness; TB, perceived burdensomeness; PB) and distal (chronic pain, loneliness, and perceived social support) risk factors among older adults who receive home delivered meals (HDM). Understanding relationships between proximal and distal suicide risk factors may inform interventions for counselors to address loneliness, enhance social support, and identify suicide risk among older adults.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
September 01, 2024
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Suicide: Identification, Intervention, and Prevention Skills

Title: Suicide: Identification, Intervention, and Prevention Skills Every Clinician Needs

Presenter: Rita Schulte, MA

Description: This presentation gives a comprehensive road map for navigating assessment, treatment, and management for those at risk for suicide. You will discover how to identify and name primary and secondary drivers that cause suicidal ideation using the Collaborative Assessment and Management of Suicidality (CAMS) and Dr. Thomas Joiner’s models. You will be able to assess how ruptures in attachment bonds, emotional dysregulation, a thwarted sense of belonging, and the inability to tolerate distress can lead to suicidal ideation.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 01, 2021
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download