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Animal-Assisted Therapy in Counseling

Animal-Assisted Therapy in Counseling, Therapeutic Horticulture, and Wilderness/Nature Therapy
Samuel T. Gladding, PhD
This chapter explores the multidimensional premises behind the power of animals, plants, and nature in life as well as the practical use of animals, plants, and nature in counseling.
Learning Objectives:
1.Examine Animal-assisted therapy, therapeutic horticulture, and wilderness/nature therapy
2.Explore the practical use of animals, plants, and nature in counseling and benefits these approaches can have for a wide variety of client populations

CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
July 16, 2018
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

The Creative Arts in Counseling, Sixth Edition

The Creative Arts in Counseling, Sixth Edition

To view the table of contents and selected opening book pages, click here
February 05, 2021

Writing and Literature in Counseling

Writing and Literature in Counseling
Samuel T. Gladding, PhD
This chapter examines the premise behind and practices of read­ing and writing in counseling. Suggested methods for using these two traditions are highlighted. Although what is being done in the domain of the written word in counseling is being verified, systemati­cally making the written arts more uniform in therapeutic practice is an area only now being addressed.
Learning Objectives:
1.Examine the premise behind and practices of reading and writing in counseling
2.Understand how to apply key concepts of bibliotherapy and scriptotherapy in counseling
3.Investigate how counselors can use writing practices, such as prosaic, poetic, journaling, and autobiographies, in counseling
CE Credit(s):
2 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 2 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 2 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
September 01, 2018
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download