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Balancing Innovation and Ethics: AI Regulation

Title: Balancing Innovation and Ethics: AI Regulation and the Counseling Field

Presenter: Russell Fulmer, PhD

Description: Should counselors promote artificial intelligence (AI) regulation by governments and their own association or caution against it? This session discusses how AI regulation may prevent harm yet curtail advancements if taken too far. Career development is an applied area of focus for this session. AI is changing the world of work. Regulation may save jobs, but at what cost? AI regulation is at the intersection of counseling practice, advocacy and ethics.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 01, 2024
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Distance Counseling and Supervision

Title: Distance Counseling and Supervision: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians

December 15, 2020

Distance Counseling and the Regulatory Environment

Title: Distance Counseling and the Regulatory Environment: Practical Implications and Best Practices

Author: Jason Martin, PhD

Description: Distance Counseling and the Regulatory Environment: Practical Implications and Best Practices uses Chapter 4: Navigating the Regulatory Gauntlet by Jason K. Martin from Distance Counseling and Supervision: A Guide for Mental Health Clinicians (Williamson & Williamson, 2021) discusses the ethical, legal, regulatory, and practical considerations for the application of technology in ways that are secure and best serve clients and supervisees. This Continuing Professional Development resource provides counselors with a rationale to understand the ethics of distance counseling, explain some best practices for adhering to HIPAA, HITECH, and FERPA, and examine some practical implications for counselor practitioners and educators.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 02, 2022
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Ethical Issues Related to the Use of Technology

Title: Ethical Issues Related to the Use of Technology in Clinical Supervision

Authors: Harriet L. Glosoff, PhD; Edina Renfro-Michel, PhD; and Sudha Nagarajan, EdS

Description: In this chapter, we focus on ethical guidelines that are available for counseling supervisors and the underlying ethical principles and virtues to consider in the use of technology-assisted-supervision (TAS).

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
February 03, 2016
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Guardians of Ethical Integrity in a New AI Galaxy

Title: Guardians of Ethical Integrity in a New Artificially Intelligent Galaxy

Presenter: Marcelle Giovannetti, EdD

Description: This session will highlight the intricate interplay of technology and ethics in the counseling profession, exploring potential benefits and ethical challenges. Attendees will gain insight into navigating the fine balance between technological advancement and maintaining ethical standards essential for safeguarding the well-being of clients. Attendees will leave with a nuanced understanding of artificial intelligence (AI) integration and ethical practices in the ever-evolving landscape of counseling.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 01, 2024
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Managing Marketing, Ethics, and Personality: How to Use Soci

Managing Marketing, Ethics, and Personality: How to Use Social Media as a Therapist
Kelly Minter, LMHC
Is it even ethical to be on social media as a therapist? If you open Instagram or Tiktok you will see therapists sharing psychoeducational content and talking about building caseloads, but how do they do that and follow their licensure guidelines? Do you plan to market yourself as a therapist on social media? Have you picked a niche? Starting out as a professional in the field of mental health is complicated, and there are a lot of voices telling you a lot of things that you have to do. This session will answer the questions about, help you pick a niche, decide the direction of your marketing, and provide you with necessary guidelines on how to comply with ethical requirements to set you up for what successful social media presence looks like for you.?

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
April 01, 2025
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Mental Health Counseling Technology

Title: Mental Health Counseling Technology: Ethical and Risk Management Strategies for Professional Counselors

Presenters: Anne Marie "Nancy" Wheeler, JD

Description: Mental Health Counseling Technology: Ethical and Risks Management Strategies for Professional Counselors includes a case study with remarkable ethical and risk management concerns from HPSO. The presenters explore positive practices and risk management strategies to help professional counselors engage in ethical practice. This Continuing Professional Development resource provides counselors with a rationale to understand the roles for professional disclosure statements and informed consent, explain risk management considerations when using technology in counseling, and apply ethical practices and risk mitigation strategies for telebehavioral counseling. Special attention is given to employment and independent contracting scenarios where a professional counselor works for a virtual care clinic or telehealth clinic.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
August 01, 2022
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Private Practice: Choosing a Best-Fit EHR

Title: Private Practice: Choosing a Best-Fit EHR

Presenters: Robert A. Reinhardt, MEd and John P. Duggan, EdD

Description: Counselors use Electronic Health Records (EHR) in order to improve their practices, satisfy insurance and meet regulatory requirements. Choosing a ""good fit"" EHR can be a daunting task, yet learning about EHR options can reduce troublesome challenges. In this webinar, Counseling Today’s Tech Tutor, Rob Reinhardt, explains how counselors can select electronic practice management resources to meet the unique needs of their practice and how to avoid costly mistakes.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 16, 2018
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Professional Updates: Navigating Telehealth

Title: Professional Updates: Navigating Telehealth and the Counseling Compact

Presenters: Dominique Marsalek; Lynn E. Linde, EdD; and John P. Duggan, EdD

Description: This video provides professional updates on telehealth practiceas temporary practice privileges end as States of Emergencyfor the pandemic expire.Professional counselors must ensure they follow ethical standards and regulatory issues. Additionally, this training will highlight informed consent (which includes professional disclosures), the interstate Counseling Compact and telehealth advocacy highlights.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
October 01, 2021
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

The Digital Age: Social Media as a Psychoeducation...

The Digital Age: Social Media as a Psychoeducation and Accessibility Tool
Jazzmyn Proctor, LGPC
The primary objective of this comprehensive workshop is to enlighten clinicians about the myriad of benefits that come with leveraging social media platforms as a strategic tool for providing psychoeducation to the broader public. In this digital age, social media has emerged as a potent and accessible platform for disseminating valuable information, and we believe that clinicians can harness this power to reach out to a wider audience. As part of this workshop, clinicians will be taken through an in-depth exploration of the advantages and potential pitfalls associated with shaping their professional identity via social media platforms. The digital world offers immense opportunities, but it also presents unique challenges, and it's important for clinicians to understand both aspects to make the most of their online presence.

NBCC ACEP No. 1000
February 01, 2025
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download