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Back- stabbers, Throat- Cutters, Sabotage, Oh My!

Back- stabbers, Throat- Cutters, Sabotage, Oh My! Bullying in The Workplace
Marina Williams, MA
Workplace bullying is on the rise and it is hard to imagine any clinician working with the adult population who has not had to address this issue. But what is the clinician to do? Advise the client to go to HR? Hire a lawyer? Stand up to the bully? We know from the research that conventional tactics have dismal success rates. And yet there are strategies that do work that just might be surprising to both you and the client. Discover why bullying happens and what you can do about it, along with tips you can start using with clients tomorrow.
Learning Objectives:
1.Attendees will understand the current research on the topic, including how it contradicts with conventional wisdom on the topic.Ê This includes: prevalence of bullying in the workplace, why it happens, and the dismal success rates of conventional strategies for dealing with it.
2.Attendees with learn strategies that the research has demonstrated to be effective and how they can start applying these strategies when working with their clients.
3.Because workplace bullying is often a repeated cycle for victims, attendees will be able to identify techniques and strategies for preventing future victimization.
CE Credit(s):
1.5 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1.5 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1.5 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
June 18, 2018
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download