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ACA of NY 5/23/24 Webinar: CE Only

This product will award live webinar attendees access to the CE certificate for participation in the live 5/23/24 webinar titled Developing Leadership Skills as a Professional Counselor and Understanding Opportunities within the American Counseling Association.
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 23, 2024
Available for Immediate Download

Assessment/Emerging Measure/Recording-Coding

Assessment/Emerging Measure/Recording-Coding
Casey A. Barrio Minton, PhD
Casey A. Barrio Minton, Ph.D., discusses philosophical shifts in the fifth edition of the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders. Participants will learn about nonaxial diagnoses and how to transition to ICD-10 coding. Dr. Barrio Minton will discuss cross-cutting and dimensional assessment measures, and she will provide tips on how counselors can incorporate these changes into their clinical practice. Dr. Barrio Minton is an associate professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Counseling at The University of Tennessee, Knoxville. This is the sixth webinar in a series of seven about the DSM-5.
Learning Objectives:
1.Summarize the basic tenets of Dr. Casey Barrio Minton’s webinar presentation.
2.Discuss philosophical shifts, the transition to ICD-10 coding, and practice considerations.
3.Provide an overview cross cutting and dimensional assessments.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 13, 2015
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Clinical Practice: Writing and Managing Your Clinical

Clinical Practice: Writing and Managing Your Clinical Documentation
John P. Duggan, EdD and Jazmone Wilkerson, JD
Proper documentation is a critical element to successful counseling and mistakes can lead to licensure complaints or worse. Dr. John Duggan and attorney/counselor Jazmone Wilkerson discuss the importance of maintaining proper documentation and what notes must be included in a client's file.
Learning Objectives:
1.Understand the importance of accurate documentation.
2.Hear tips to managing your documentation process.
3.Discuss possible consequences of inaccurate or incorrect documentation.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
February 01, 2022
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

College Counseling and Student Development

College Counseling and Student Development: Stress and Anxiety
Joshua C. Watson, PhD and Amanda Faucher, MA
For some students, stress and anxiety prevents students from having an enriching college experience. For this continuing education experience, you will explore stress and anxiety, particularly as they are experienced by college students. While not specific to the pandemic, this book chapter will offer practitioners issues to consider when counseling college students.
Learning Objectives:
1.Examine how they are separate constructs referencing different experiences.
2.Become familiar with a variety of assessment and treatment approaches to help college students.
3.Explore outreach implications and how college counseling center staff can work cooperatively with other campus offices and programs to help students succeed.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours

This CE is based on an ACA book. Click College Counseling and Student Development: Theory, Practice, and Campus Collaboration to view the Table of Contents and purchase the book.
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
October 01, 2020
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Conveying Information: Lessons from Homiletic

Conveying Information: Lessons from Homiletic, Ted Talks, and Carl Rogers
Samuel T. Gladding, PhD
This session will examine how information on counseling may be packaged at conferences so that it makes the most impact on participants in sessions. Attendees will hear, see, and experience ways that materials may be packaged to convey information. The best ways of conveying information will be shown and attendees will learn how what they do in professional counseling presentations makes as much difference as what they are trying to get across to audiences.
Learning Objectives:
1.To teach professional counselors how to make a presentation so it will have its biggest impact.
2.To show professional counselors best practices for making a presentation at a local, regional, and national conference.
3.To help professional counselors to translate their knowledge into language and graphics that can make the most on their audiences.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
January 05, 2018
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Counseling Leaders and Advocates: Strengthening the Future

Counseling Leaders and Advocates: Strengthening the Future of the Profession

To view the table of contents and selected opening book pages, click here
August 10, 2021

Counselor and Client Advocacy: 10 Practical Tips for Busy

Counselor and Client Advocacy: 10 Practical Tips for Busy Counselors
Victoria Kress, PhD; Matthew C. Fullen, PhD; and Jolie A. Long, EdS
In order for the counseling profession to grow and thrive, we must advocate for ourselves and our clients in legislative arenas. In this program, attendees will learn about the importance of engaging in legislative advocacy. Foundational information about legislative processes and strategies will be provided. Ten practical tips that counselors can apply to enhance their legislative advocacy efforts will be shared.
Learning Objectives:
1.To educate participants on the process of legislative advocacy.
2.To help participants develop ÊÊan understanding of important legislative advocacy strategies.
3.To offer practical suggestions for how counselors can engage in effective legislative efforts.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 08, 2019
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Course - ACA Leadership Academy

ACA Leadership Academy
Part 1: In this session, viewers will learn the accounting basics for running an association. Topics covered include nonprofit accountings basics, rules and regulations that must be considered when operating a tax exempt organization, as well as how to create an annual budget. The sessions will also provide information on the accounting and membership services the American Counseling Association provides to it divisions. Part 2: This session provides an overview of how ACA has pivoted its advocacy strategy in 2020 due to the public health pandemic, and provides a roadmap of how regions, branches, and divisions can organize virtual advocacy events to continue effectively lobbying on behalf of the counseling profession. Part 3: This Q&A session, led by members of the ACA Publications team, is designed to promote research and to provide insight on how to publish a book or journal article with ACA. Guidelines, insights, and practical tips on publishing will be offered to clarify the submission and publication process. Part 4: Are your students career ready? It is imperative college students engage in conversations about their career development within their academic experience. This presentation will highlight career-related resources that can assist you in inspiring, preparing, and empowering your students. Part 5: There is a clear and distinct formula for success in social media. There's a playbook that you can use to leverage the power of this transformative platform for getting the proverbial word out. No matter who you are or where you're from, you can harness the power of social media to vastly grow or build your business, brand or professional profile. Part 6: ACA Connect is a great tool for communication, sharing, networking and more. This training is a brief refresher on the platform and includes information on getting to ACA Connect and navigating once you’re in the system.
CE Credits Not applicable:
December 07, 2020
Available for Immediate Download

DSM-5 Wrap Up

DSM-5 Wrap Up
Stephanie F. Dailey, EdD
This final webinar in a series of seven presents a wrap up of key points covered in the previous sessions. Stephanie F. Dailey, Ed.D., LPC, NCC, ACS, who covered gender dysphoria in a previous webinar, provides a summary of the major changes in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, fifth edition. Implications for counselors using the DSM-5 and trends for the profession regarding diagnostic nosology are highlighted. Dr. Dailey is an assistant professor of counseling at Argosy University and a co-author of the American Counseling Association bestseller DSM-5 Learning Companion for Counselors. This is the final webinar in a series of seven about the DSM-5.
Learning Objectives:
1.Summarize the basic tenets of Dr. Stephanie F. Dailey’s wrap up bonus session.
2.Provide an overview of DSM-5 series.
3.Discuss general practice implications and provide sample diagnoses.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
May 20, 2015
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download

Establishing Personal and Professional Boundaries

Establishing Personal and Professional Boundaries
Gerald Corey, EdD; Michelle Muratori, PhD; Jude T. Austin, II, PhD; and Julius A. Austin, PhD
In this chapter we focus on our successful and unsuccessful experiences setting boundaries at home and at work.
Learning Objectives:
1.Examine successful and unsuccessful experiences of ethical boundary setting for counseling professionals.
2.Explore the rationale behind boundary setting and strategies counselors can use to protect both themselves and their clients.

CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours

This CE is based on an ACA book. Click Counselor Self-Care to view the Table of Contents and purchase the book.
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
September 01, 2018
Text-Based Continuing Education Product
Available for Immediate Download