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Showing 11 - 20 of 25 Results

Ethics and Values in Real-Life Counseling Practice

Ethics and Values in Real-Life Counseling Practice
Stephanie F. Dailey, EdD and John P. Duggan, EdD
Counselors often face difficult situations when counseling clients with different belief systems. Understanding how one’s own value system can affect the ability to counsel effectively is the first step to navigating tricky client sessions and situations. Dr. Stephanie Dailey will discuss ways counselors can support their clients without sacrificing their own values.
Learning Objectives:
1.Understand how personal values can influence a client session
2.Learn ways to make effective and ethical decisions
3.Review strategies to prevent the imposition of counselor personal values
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
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Eyes Wide Open: Ethics, Risk Management, and Legal

Eyes Wide Open: Ethics, Risk Management, and Legal Considerations
Ann Ordway, JD, PhD
Ethics in practice should be second nature. However, ethical dilemmas are sometimes difficult to identify in advance, leaving the most well-meaning counselors in compromising situations, ranging from licensing board complaints to malpractice. This session will include a discussion of some of the most common ethical conundrums, how to recognize them and associated risks. This session will also introduce important legal concepts and why being familiar with them is an essential piece of risk management.
Learning Objectives:
1.Attendees will identify three specific ethics-related risks in counseling practice.
2.Attendees will explain four common legal concepts related to malpractice actions.
3.Attendees will discuss the interrelationship between ethics, risk management and the law.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 1 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
NBCC ACEP No. 1000
July 01, 2024
Video-Based Continuing Education Product
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Handling Depositions and Subpoenas

Handling Depositions and Subpoenas
Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD; Aprille Woodson,PhD, JD, LAPC, NCC; and Jennifer Flynn, CPHRM
Being deposed in a professional liability lawsuit can be a stressful experience to many counselors. Notably, the Counselor Spotlight: Responding to Subpoena (2021) by CAN/HPSO states that subpoenas for depositions and healthcare record matters increased more than 450% since the 2014 CAN/HPSO claim report. Certainly, counselors must know how to prepare for and respond to depositions and subpoenas. This Continuing Professional Development provides counselors with an understanding of the risks and legal parameters around depositions and subpoenas, discusses the counselor’s role in a deposition, describes the various types of subpoenas, and reviews relevant counselors’ considerations and requirements. Risk recommendations and helpful tips on preparing for and responding to depositions and subpoenas are provided.
Learning Objectives:
1. Understand the risks and legal parameters around depositions and subpoenas. 2. Discuss the counselor’s role in a deposition. 3. Describe the various types of subpoenas and review relevant counselor’s considerations and requirements.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 1 (CRC and CVE) CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
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Key Ethical Issues in Working With Spiritual and Religious

Key Ethical Issues in Working With Spiritual and Religious Values in Counseling
Richard E. Watts, PhD
Regardless of work setting, clients regularly present with issues related to spiritual and religious values. Counselors, however, often feel unprepared to work with clients presenting with spiritual or religious issues. This is particularly True regarding the ethics of working with spiritual and religious issues in counseling. This panel session, by members of the ASERVIC Ethical Values Committee, will address key ethical issues when addressing clients’ spiritual and religious values.
Learning Objectives:
1.Participants will gain advanced knowledge of the ethical necessity of understanding and applying the ASERVIC Competencies for Addressing Spiritual and Religious Issues in Counseling in working with clients’ spirituality issues.
2.Participants will gain advanced knowledge of the importance of cultural humility and multicultural competence as it applies to working with clients’ spiritual and religious issue in counseling.
3.Participants will gain advanced understanding in regard to hot topic ethical issues related to spirituality and religion; for example, informed consent (ACA Code A.2.a), client values (ACA Code A.11.b), duty to warn (ACA Code B.2.a), and end of life issues (ACA Code B.2.b).
CE Credit(s):
1.5 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1.5 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 1.5 Ethics Hours
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Law and Ethics: Professional Boundaries

Law and Ethics: Professional Boundaries
Anne Marie “Nancy” Wheeler, JD and Burt Bertram, EdD
Boundary violations account for 20% to 40% of all licensing board complaints (Wheeler & Bertram, 2019). More specifically, Wheeler and Bertram explained that most boundary violations resulting from complaints to licensing boards involve situations in which the counselor and client relationship expanded to include some other relational dimension. Other relational dimensions within the counselor-client relationship explored in this educational content include sexual relationships, providing services other than counseling, such as coaching, and practicing counseling in small communities. Additionally, professional boundaries related to the counselor educator • student counselor and supervisee•supervisor relationships are addressed. This Continuing Professional Development, based on Chapter 10 from the ACA book (2019) The Counselor and the Law: A Guide to Legal and Ethical Practice (8th ed.) by Ann Marie Wheeler and Burt Bertram.
Learning Objectives:
1. Know the three groups boundary incursions can be classified into. 2. Recognize when dual relationships are appropriate. 3. Understand how counselors should navigate dual relationships.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 1 (CRC and CVE) CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
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Navigating Ethics During Internship and Postgraduate

Navigating Ethics During Internship and Postgraduate Supervision
Barbara Herlihy, PhD
You might think that graduate student interns and beginning practitioners working toward their licenses would be the most likely of all counselors to adhere to the ACA Code of Ethics (2014). Their ethics instruction is recent so their knowledge is up to date and they are working under supervision. Yet, interns and new professionals may be at the greatest risk for inadvertently violating the most fundamental ethical standards. In this Session attendees will learn how to avoid beginner mistakes.
Learning Objectives:
1.Describe the ethical missteps most often made by inexperienced counselors and the common thread that underlies these missteps
2.Articulate several strategies for avoiding “beginners’ mistakes”
3.Apply strategies appropriate to their work setting and clientele, to strengthen their sense of ethical selfhood.
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
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Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethi

Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethics Board Review • Part I Building an ethical foundation is essential. Through ethics, counselors examine personal values and how they impact professional decisions. In this session, three counselor educators (who are also an attorney, an expert witness, and a former chair of the ACA Ethics Committee) will explore decision making for potential dilemmas that arise in clinical practice and in cases with court involvement, as well as how to address malpractice and ethical violations issues that arise despite best efforts.
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Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethi

Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethics Board Review • Part 2 Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethics Board Review • Part 2 continues to build upon the counselor's knowledge of the court system by outlining what to expect during the courtroom proceedings. Counselors will learn terminology commonly used in court as well as suggestions on do’s and don’ts when testifying. Part two also explores ethical review processes and ethical implications of counselor competency and expertise.
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Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethi

Paved With Good Intentions: Ethical Dilemmas, Court and Ethics Board Review • Part 3 The role of the counselor during legal proceedings is not always clear. During this session, the varying roles one may have as a professional counselor will be discussed, as well as specific do’s and don’ts for different types of roles. A discussion of maintaining clients’ privacy and ethical professional boundaries is included. Suggestions for maintaining appropriate documentation will be offered. This presentation provides practical guidance on managing the often-stressful courtroom environment and how counselors can adhere to ethical obligations and maintain their professional reputability.
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Private Practice: The Ethics and HIPAA of Technology

Private Practice: The Ethics and HIPAA of Technology
Robert A. Reinhardt, Med and John P. Duggan, EdD
Technology offers new and efficient tools to help practitioners work with clients. Whether you’re opening new channels of communication, seeking to understand client interactions, or providing services entirely online, technology is now integral to professional counseling. As professional counselors and educators use more and newer technology, it's important to understand standards of practice, ethical and legal implications. In this webinar, Counseling Today’s Tech Tutor, Rob Reinhardt, gives an update on prominent technologies - including email, texting, and distance counselor (telehealth). Learn how the 2014 ACA Code of Ethics and laws, such as HIPAA.
Learning Objectives:
1.Understand how HIPAA and technology affect one another.
2.Learn best-practice tips to remain HIPAA compliant while using technology in a practice
3.Review HIPAA standards and legal implications
CE Credit(s):
1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 0 NY Hours; 1 Ethics Hours
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