Title: Bipolar Disorder: Accurately Diagnosing and Ethical
Presenters: Jason H. King, PhD and Matt R. Buckley, EdD
Description: Part 1: In this video, counselors will learn and explore the assessment and diagnosis of bipolar and related disorders. Topics that are addressed in this webinar include: person-first language, bipolar and related disorders, assessment, DSM-5, labeling, ethical guidelines for diagnosing, culture, treatment plans, stigma, cross-cutting symptoms, diagnosing adolescents and cultural formulation interviews.
Part 2: In this video, counselors will continue to explore the assessment and diagnosis of bipolar related disorders, including learning to differentiate between other common disorders that can look like bipolar-related disorders. Counselors will also explore the ethical benefits of a dimensional approach to diagnosis. Topics addressed include: disorder on a spectrum of severity, ethical benefits and ethical risks of using these assessment measures, key signs and symptoms of mania in contrast to hypomania, substance use/medication-induced bipolar and related disorders.
Part 3: In this video, counselors will learn about Disruptive Mood Dysregulation Disorder (DMDD), why it is in DSM-V and how it compares to bipolar disorder, including new disorders added to DSM-V. Counselors will also review and understand depressive disorders to properly diagnose bipolar related disorders. Topics addressed include: DMDD and its symptoms, Premenstrual Dysphoric Disorder, four-point recommendation for diagnosis, bipolar disorder and circadian-rhythms, hypomania and mania, depressive and bipolar disorder specifiers.
Part 4: In this video, counselors will focus on treatment planning particularly, exploring the Interpersonal Social Rhythm Therapy (IPSRT) developed by Dr. Ellen Frank with focus on three aspects, interpersonal, social rhythm and social interactions. Counselors will also explore an aspect of Family-Focused Therapy in relation to IPSRT. Topics addressed include: ethical considerations when initiating treatment planning, IPSRT and Family-Focused Therapy.