Title: ACA Leadership Academy
Description: Part 1: In this session, viewers will learn the accounting basics for running an association. Topics covered include nonprofit accountings basics, rules and regulations that must be considered when operating a tax exempt organization, as well as how to create an annual budget. The sessions will also provide information on the accounting and membership services the American Counseling Association provides to it divisions.
Part 2: This session provides an overview of how ACA has pivoted its advocacy strategy in 2020 due to the public health pandemic, and provides a roadmap of how regions, branches, and divisions can organize virtual advocacy events to continue effectively lobbying on behalf of the counseling profession.
Part 3: This Q&A session, led by members of the ACA Publications team, is designed to promote research and to provide insight on how to publish a book or journal article with ACA. Guidelines, insights, and practical tips on publishing will be offered to clarify the submission and publication process.
Part 4: Are your students career ready? It is imperative college students engage in conversations about their career development within their academic experience. This presentation will highlight career-related resources that can assist you in inspiring, preparing, and empowering your students.
Part 5: There is a clear and distinct formula for success in social media. There's a playbook that you can use to leverage the power of this transformative platform for getting the proverbial word out. No matter who you are or where you're from, you can harness the power of social media to vastly grow or build your business, brand or professional profile.
Part 6: ACA Connect is a great tool for communication, sharing, networking and more. This training is a brief refresher on the platform and includes information on getting to ACA Connect and navigating once you’re in the system.