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A Counselor´s Guide to the Dissertation Process

A Counselor's Guide to the Dissertation Process: Where to Start & How to Finish

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"This book will help doctoral students in counselor education programs navigate the difficult waters of moving beyond 'ABD' to graduation. The authors demystify the dissertation process and illustrate how to avoid common pitfalls, stay on track, and successfully complete a dissertation. Students and their faculty will benefit from this easy-to-follow and fun guide for getting it done!"

—Kelly Coker, PhD
Assistant Dean, School of Counseling
Walden University

"This is exactly the kind of resource that every counseling doctoral student needs to be successful. The authors bring their wealth of experience to a book that is sure to inform, encourage, and guide students through their dissertation journeys. A true gem for counseling students and educators!"

—Thelma Duffey, PhD
The University of Texas at San Antonio

"This book offers a balanced and highly pragmatic stance toward the entire dissertation process, from conception of the research topic to dissemination of results to effect social change. Most helpful is a reminder that successful completion of the dissertation requires attention to the personal wellness of the doctoral student as a human being."

—David M. Kleist, PhD
Idaho State University

This engaging book not only offers step-by-step guidance on planning, writing, and defending a dissertation but also helps create a beginning-to-end process that is meaningful, rewarding, and exciting. Each chapter answers commonly asked questions, contains a checklist for each part of the dissertation, provides a summary of key points, and lists additional resources. Topics addressed include tips for staying motivated, time management, and self-care; selecting a dissertation committee and narrowing down the topic; writing a proposal; preparing the literature review; creating the problem statement, purpose statement, and research questions; understanding research methodology and ethics; collecting and analyzing data; presenting results; and best of all-publishing a dissertation.
Brandé Flamez, A. Stephen Lenz, Richard S. Balkin, and Robert L. Smith
January 20, 2017