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Title: It’s Time for Counselors to Modify Our Language: It Matters When We Call Our Clients Schizophrenics Versus People With Schizophrenia
Authors: Darcy Haag Granello, PhD and Sean R. Gorby, PhD
Description: This article highlights how language used by professional counselors and trainees requires self-awareness. The potential adverse effects of labels that equate people with a psychiatric diagnoses may foster heightened levels of stigma, including internalized stigma. This study provides the first empirical evidence for practitioners to eliminate the term “schizophrenic” from clinical practice and educational programs.
Learning Objectives:
CE Credit: 1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; 0 NAADAC Hours; 1 NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
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