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Title: Sensation Seeking and Adolescent Drinking: Do Protective Behavioral Strategies Lower Risk?
Authors: Diana M. Doumas, PhD; G. Michael Russo, PhD; Raissa Miller, PhD; Susan Esp, PhD; Nadine R. Mastroleo, PhD; and Rob Turrisi, PhD
Description: Underage drinking is a significant problem among U.S. adolescents, with 58.5% reporting alcohol use by their senior year and 17-19-year-olds engaging in the highest rates of risky drinking. Because adolescent alcohol use is associated with various negative socioemotional consequences, identifying and intervening is pivotal. Counselors may be the first professional contact for teens and are uniquely positioned to provide relevant treatment plans. This Continuing Professional Development examines the relationship between sensation seeking and hazardous drinking and the impact protective behavioral strategies have on reducing hazardous drinking among high school seniors.
Learning Objectives:
CE Credit: 1 NBCC Hours; 0 CRCC Hours; 1 WA Hours; 0 APT Hours; NAADAC Hours; NY Hours; 0 Ethics Hours
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